Applied Science

The Applied Science Division is active in fields of Underwater Acoustics, Regional Analysis, Computational Neurosciences, Computational Pharmacology, and Socio-Education Research and Innovation, and it has three laboratories focusing in Coastal & Marine Research, in Remote Sensing, and in Underwater Measurements.

The Underwater Acoustics team has a long experience in wave propagation and is also active on novel applications of underwater acoustics in environmental monitoring. The Regional Analysis team research is focused on urban analysis and on the analysis of datasets, as well as in the development of decision support systems. The Computational Neurosciences team focuses on the development of novel mathematical and computational models which capture the effective behaviour of neurons. The research of Computational Pharmacology team focuses on modelling and simulation in drug development and pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic problems. The Costal and Marine Research Laboratory activities are aligned with the blue growth strategy, including expansively operational forecasting and data collection and assimilation in coastal and marine research, with applications in modelling of coastal processes, maritime spatial planning, operational oceanography, climatic change and risk assessment on coastal environment, lower atmosphere weather modelling and air-sea interaction. The Remote Sensing Laboratory focuses on challenges of scientific and social importance, such as urbanization and climate change to bridge the existing gap between the methodologies and techniques employed in climate and urban system science to study dynamic connections and interlinkages between climate and cities.

The Applied Science Division consists of the following research teams:

     Wave Propagation

      Spatial Analysis

Computational Neurosciences

Computational Pharmacology

Socio-Education Research and Innovation,

and it has three laboratories:

Coastal & Marine Research Laboratory

Remote Sensing Laboratory

Underwater Acoustic Measurements Laboratory