A Doxa, C Adam, N Nagkoulis, AD Mazaris, S Katsanevakis (2025) prior3D: An R package for three-dimensional conservation prioritization, Ecological Modelling 499, 110919.
K Ellrott, CK Wong, C Yau, MAA Castro, JA Lee, BJ Karlberg, JK Grewal, V Lagani, B Tercan, V Friedl, T Hinoue, V Uzunangelov, L Westlake, X Loinaz, I Felau, PI Wang, A Kemal, SJ Caesar-Johnson, I Shmulevich, AJ Lazar, I Tsamardinos,... (2025) Classification of non-TCGA cancer samples to TCGA molecular subtypes using compact feature sets, Cancer Cell (pdf file)
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G Grekas, K Koumatos, C Makridakis, A Vikelis (2025) Convergence of Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Quasiconvex and Relaxed Variational Problems, arXiv preprint arXiv:2501.11944
G Akrivis, CG Makridakis, C Smaragdakis (2024) Runge-Kutta Physics Informed Neural Networks: Formulation and Analysis, arXiv preprint arXiv:2412.20575
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A Chatzimentor, A Doxa, M Butenschön, T Kristiansen, MA Peck, S Katsanevakis, AD Mazaris (2024) Diving into warming oceans: Assessing 3D climatically suitable foraging areas of loggerhead sea turtles under climate change, Journal for Nature Conservation 79, 126620, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnc.2024.126620
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J Fagin, G Vernardos, G Tsagkatakis, Y Pantazis, AJ Shajib, M O'Dowd (2024) Measuring the Substructure Mass Power Spectrum of 23 SLACS Strong Galaxy-Galaxy Lenses with Convolutional Neural Networks, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 532 (2), 2248-2269, https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stae1593
A Fayomi, Y Pantazis, M Tsagris, ATA Wood (2024) Cauchy robust principal component analysis with applications to high-dimensional data sets, Statistics and Computing 34 (1), 1-14. (html file)
I Fotopoulos, OTD Nguyen, TH Nøst, M Markaki, V Lagani, R Mjelle, TM Sandanger, P Sætrom, I Tsamardinos, OD Røe (2024) Promising microRNAs in pre-diagnostic serum associated with lung cancer up to eight years before diagnosis: a HUNT study, Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology 150 (7), 355. (html)
EH Georgoulis, EJC Hall, CG Makridakis (2024) On a posteriori error estimation for Runge–Kutta discontinuous Galerkin methods for linear hyperbolic problems, Studies in Applied Mathematics 153 (4), e12772 (pdf file)
F Goudarzi, A Doxa, MR Hemami, AD Mazaris (2024) Thermal vulnerability of sea turtle foraging grounds around the globe, Communications Biology 7 (1), 347. (html file)
G Grekas, CG Makridakis (2024) Deep Ritz-Finite Element methods: Neural Network Methods trained with Finite Elements, arXiv preprint arXiv:2409.08362
H Gu, P Birmpa, Y Pantazis, L Rey-Bellet, MA Katsoulakis (2024) Lipschitz-regularized gradient flows and generative particle algorithms for high-dimensional scarce data, SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science 6 (4), 1205-1235. (pdf)
C Kalaitzidou, G Grekas, A Zilian, C Makridakis, P Rosakis (2024) Compressive instabilities enable cell-induced extreme densification patterns in the fibrous extracellular matrix: Discrete model predictions, PLOS Computational Biology 20 (7), e1012238 (pdf file)
I Kakogeorgiou, S Gidaris, K Karantzalos, NKomodakis (2024) SPOT: Self-Training with Patch-Order Permutation for Object-Centric Learning with Autoregressive Transformers, Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp. 22776-22786. (pdf)
Y Kamarianakis, Y Pantazis, E Kalligiannaki, TD Katsaounis, K Kotsovos, I Gereige, M Abdullah, A Jamal, A Tzavaras (2024) Robust day-ahead solar forecasting with endogenous data and sliding windows, J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 16 (026103), 1-13. (html file)
A Koutsimpela, M Loulakis (2024) Optimal control, viscosity approximation and Arrhenius Law for the shallow lake problem, arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.07642
O. Lakkis, C. Makridakis (2024) Elliptic reconstruction and a posteriori error estimates for fully discrete linear parabolic problems, arXiv preprint arXiv:2412.05913v1
CG Makridakis, A Pim, T Pryer (2024) A Deep Uzawa-Lagrange Multiplier Approach for Boundary Conditions in PINNs and Deep Ritz Methods, arXiv preprint arXiv:2411.08702
CG Makridakis, A Pim, T Pryer (2024) Deep Uzawa for PDE constrained optimisation, arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.17359
DA Mitsoudis, M Plexousakis, GN Makrakis, C Makridakis (2024) Approximations of the Helmholtz equation with variable wave number in one dimension, Studies in Applied Mathematics, e12756 (pdf file)
N Myrtakis, I Tsamardinos, V Christophides (2024) AutoML for Explainable Anomaly Detection (XAD), The Provenance of Elegance in Computation-Essays Dedicated to Val Tannen (pdf)
OTD Nguyen, Y Fotopoulos, TH Nøst, M Markaki, V Lagani, P Sætrom, I Tsamardinos, OD Røe (2024) Differentially expressed microRNAs in prediagnostic serum linked to lung cancer up to eight years before diagnosis in prospective, population-based cohorts: A HUNT study, Journal of Clinical Oncology 42 (16_suppl), 8041-8041. (html file)
OTD Nguyen, Y Fotopoulos, TH Nøst, M Markaki, V Lagani, I Tsamardinos, OD Røe (2024) Effect of novel polygenetic variant of HUNT lung cancer model on lung cancer risk assessment over clinical model among light smokers (average< 9 pack-years), Journal of Clinical Oncology 42 (16_suppl), e20066-e20066 (html file)
OTD Nguyen, I Fotopoulos, M Markaki, I Tsamardinos, V Lagani, OD Røe (2024) Improving Lung Cancer Screening Selection: The HUNT Lung Cancer Risk Model for Ever-Smokers Versus the NELSON and 2021 United States Preventive Services Task Force Criteria in the Cohort of Norway: A Population-Based Prospective Study, JTO Clinical and Research Reports 5 (4), 100660. (html file)
K Paraschakis, A Castellani, G Borboudakis, I Tsamardinos (2024) Confidence Interval Estimation of Predictive Performance in the Context of AutoML, arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.08099
G Paterakis, S Fafalios, P Charonyktakis, V Christophides, I Tsamardinos (2024) Do we really need imputation in AutoML predictive modeling? ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (pdf file)
V Perifanis, E Karypidis, N Komodakis, P Efraimidis (2024) SFTC: Machine Unlearning via Selective Fine-tuning and Targeted Confusion, European Interdisciplinary Cybersecurity Conference, 29-36. (pdf)
M Schmidt-Mengin, A Benichoux, S Belachew, N Komodakis, N Paragios (2024) ToNNO: Tomographic Reconstruction of a Neural Network's Output for Weakly Supervised Segmentation of 3D Medical Images, Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp. 11428-11438. (pdf)
MA Zervou, E Doutsi, Y Pantazis, P Tsakalides (2024) Multitask Classification of Antimicrobial Peptides for Simultaneous Assessment of Antimicrobial Property and Structural Fold, ICASSP 2024-2024 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 1836-1840. (pdf file)
MA Zervou, E Doutsi, Y Pantazis, P Tsakalides (2024) De Novo Antimicrobial Peptide Design with Feedback Generative Adversarial Networks, International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25 (10), 5506 (html)
G Baxevani, V Harmandaris, E Kalligiannaki, I Tsantili, Bottom-up transient time models in coarse-graining molecular systems, arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.05159, 2023
J Birrell, Y Pantazis, P Dupuis, MA Katsoulakis, L Rey-Bellet, Function-space regularized Rényi divergences, The Eleventh International Conference on Learning Representations 2023 (pdf file)
D Gazoulis, I Gkanis, CG Makridakis, On the Stability and Convergence of Physics Informed Neural Networks, arXiv preprintarXiv:2308.05423, 2023
EH Georgoulis, M Loulakis, A Tsiourvas, Discrete gradient flow approximations of high dimensional evolution partial differential equations via deep neural networks, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 117, 106893, 2023 (html file)
EH Georgoulis, CG Makridakis, Lower bounds, elliptic reconstruction and a posteriori error control of parabolic problems, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, drac080, 2023 (html file).
S Gidaris, A Bursuc, O Simeoni, A Vobecky, N Komodakis, M Cord, P Pérez, MOCA: Self-supervised Representation Learning by Predicting Masked Online Codebook Assignment, arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.09361, 2023
G Grekas, K Koumatos, C Makridakis, A Vikelis, A class of Discontinuous Galerkin methods for nonlinear variational problems, arXiv preprintarXiv:2308.12891, 2023
A Koutsimpela, M Loulakis, On the optimally controlled stochastic shallow lake, arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.02885, 2023
K Lakiotaki, Z Papadovasilakis, V Lagani, S Fafalios, P Charonyktakis, M Tsagris, I Tsamardinos, Automated machine learning for Genome Wide Association Studies, 2023 (pdf file)
T Le, J Li, R Ness, S Triantafillou, S Shimizu, P Cui, K Kuang, J Pei, ..., Preface: The 2023 ACM SIGKDD Workshop on Causal Discovery, Prediction and Decision, The KDD'23 Workshop on Causal Discovery, Prediction and Decision, 2023 (html file)
M Loulakis, CG Makridakis, A new approach to generalisation error of machine learning algorithms: Estimates and convergence, arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.13784, 2023
S Martinot, N Komodakis, M Vakalopoulou, N Bus, C Robert, E Deutsch, N Paragios, Differentiable Gamma Index-Based Loss Functions: Accelerating Monte-Carlo Radiotherapy Dose Simulation, International Conference on Information Processing in Medical Imaging, 485-496, 2023 (html file)
S Martinot, N Komodakis, M Vakalopoulou, N Bus, C Robert, E Deutsch, N Paragios, Check for Differentiable Gamma Index-Based Loss Functions: Accelerating Monte-Carlo Radiotherapy Dose Simulation, Information Processing in Medical Imaging: 28th International
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S Martinot, N Komodakis, M Vakalopoulou, N Bus, C Robert, E Deutsch, N Paragios, PO-1802 Deep Particles Embedding: accelerating Monte-Carlo dose simulations, Radiotherapy and Oncology 182, S1526-S1527, 2023 (html file)
AD Mazaris, C Dimitriadis, M Papazekou, G Schofield, A Doxa, ..., Priorities for Mediterranean marine turtle conservation and management in the face of climate change, Journal of Environmental Management 339, 117805, 2023. (html file)
K Mouloudakis, F Vouzinas, A Margaritakis, A Koutsimpela, G Mouloudakis, V Koutrouli, M Skotiniotis, GP Tsironis, M Loulakis, MW Mitchell, G Vasilakis, IK Kominis, Inter-species spin-noise correlations in hot atomic vapors, arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.13090, 2023
A Ntroumpogiannis, M Giannoulis, N Myrtakis, V Christophides, E Simon, I Tsamardinos, A meta-level analysis of online anomaly detectors, The VLDB Journal, 1-42, 2023 (html file)
OD Røe, OTD Nguyen, Y Fotopoulos, V Lagani, I Tsamardinos, Prediction of 6-year risk of bladder cancer using the HUNT Lung Cancer Risk Model in ever-smokers: A HUNT study, Journal of Clinical Oncology 41 (16_suppl), e16581-e16581, 2023 (html file)
GV Thomaidis, K Papadimitriou, S Michos, E Chartampilas, I Tsamardinos, Corrigendum to “A characteristic cerebellar biosignature for bipolar disorder, identified with fully automatic machine learning”, IBRO Neuroscience Reports 15, 178, 2023 (html file)
GV Thomaidis, K Papadimitriou, S Michos, E Chartampilas, I Tsamardinos, A characteristic cerebellar biosignature for bipolar disorder, identified with fully automatic machine learning, IBRO Neuroscience Reports 15, 77-89 2023 (html file)
S Triantafillou, F Jabbari, GF Cooper, Learning Treatment Effects from Observational and Experimental Data, International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 7126-7146, 2023 (pdf file)
K Tzirakis, Y Kamarianakis, N Kontopodis, CV Ioannou, Selection of Bifurcated Grafts’ Dimensions during Aorto-Iliac Vascular Reconstruction Based on Their Hemodynamic Performance, Bioengineering 10 (7), 776, 2023 (html file)
K Tzirakis, Y Kamarianakis, N Kontopodis, CV Ioannou, Classification of Blood Rheological Models through an Idealized Symmetrical Bifurcation, Symmetry 15 (3), 630, 2023 (html file)
K Tzirakis, Y Kamarianakis, N Kontopodis, CV Ioannou, The Effect of Blood Rheology and Inlet Boundary Conditions on Realistic Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms under Pulsatile Flow Conditions, Bioengineering 10 (2), 272, 2023 (html file)
G Akrivis, C Makridakis, On maximal regularity estimates for discontinuous Galerkin time-discrete methods, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 60 (1), 180-194, 2022 (pdf file)
G Akrivis, CG Makridakis, A posteriori error estimates for Radau IIA methods via maximal parabolic regularity, Numerische Mathematik 150 (3), 691-717, 2022 (html file)
L Banjai, C Makridakis, A posteriori error analysis for approximations of time-fractional subdiffusion problems, Mathematics of Computation 91 (336), 1711-1737, 2022 (html file).
J Birrell, P Dupuis, MA Katsoulakis, Y Pantazis, L Rey-Bellet, (f,Gamma)-Divergences: Interpolating between f-Divergences and Integral Probability Metrics, Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2022(html file)
J Birrell, MA Katsoulakis, Y Pantazis, Optimizing variational representations of divergences and accelerating their statistical estimation, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2022 (html file)
K Biza, I Tsamardinos, S Triantafillou, Out-of-sample tuning for causal discovery, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2022 (html file)
S Bowler, G Papoutsoglou, A Karanikas, I Tsamardinos, MJ Corley, L Ndhlovu, A machine learning approach utilizing DNA methylation as an accurate classifier of COVID-19 disease severity, Scientific Reports 12 (1), 17480, 2022 (html file)
S Bowler, G Papoutsoglou, A Karanikas, I Tsamardinos, MJ Corley, L Ndhlovu, Machine Learning Analysis of DNA Methylation in COVID-19 Disease, Topics in Antiviral Medicine, 75-76, 2022 (html file)
A Doxa, Y Kamarianakis, AD Mazaris, Spatial heterogeneity and temporal stability characterize future climatic refugia in Mediterranean Europe, Global Change Biology 28 (7), 2413-2424, 2022 (html file)
M Fasoulakis, E Markakis, Y Pantazis, C Varsos, Forward looking best-response multiplicative weights update methods for bilinear zero-sum games, International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 11096-11117, 2022 (html file)
A Fayomi, Y Pantazis, M Tsagris, ATA Wood, Cauchy robust principal component analysis with applications to high-deimensional data sets, arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.03181, 2022.
G Grekas, K Koumatos, C Makridakis, P Rosakis, Approximations of Energy Minimization in Cell-Induced Phase Transitions of Fibrous Biomaterials: -Convergence Analysis, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 60 (2), 715-750, 2022 (pdf file)
H Gu, P Birmpa, Y Pantazis, L Rey-Bellet, MA Katsoulakis, Lipschitz regularized gradient flows and latent generative particles, arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.17230, 2022.
A Jamal A Tzavaras Y Kamarianakis, Y
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I Kakogeorgiou, S Gidaris, B Psomas, Y Avrithis, A Bursuc, K Karantzalos, N Komodakis, What to hide from your students: Attention-guided masked image modeling, European Conference on Computer Vision, 300-318, 2022 (pdf file)
C Kalaitzidou, G Grekas, A Zilian, C Makridakis, P Rosakis, Compressive Instabilities Enable Cell-Induced Extreme Densification Patterns in the Fibrous Extracellular Matrix: Discrete Model Predictions, arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.01213, 2022.
Y Kamarianakis, Y Pantazis, E Kalligiannaki, K Kotsovos, I Gereige, M Abdullah, A Tzavaras, T Katsaounis, Day-ahead forecasting of solar irradiance: KNN-based ensembles, 8th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, 2022 (html file)
Y Kamarianakis, Y Pantazis, E Kalligiannaki,
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I Karagiannaki, K Gourlia, V Lagani, Y Pantazis, I Tsamardinos, Learning biologically-interpretable latent representations for gene expression data: Pathway Activity Score Learning Algorithm, Machine Learning, 1-31, 2022 (html file)
M Karaglani, M Panagopoulou, I Baltsavia, P
Apalaki, T Theodosiou, I Iliopoulos, I Tsamardinos,
E Chatzaki, Tissue-Specific Methylation Biosignatures for Monitoring Diseases: An In Silico Approach, International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (6), 2959, 2022 (html file)
M Karaglani, M Panagopoulou, C Cheimonidi, I
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Papazoglou, G Mastorakos, E Chatzaki, Liquid Biopsy in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Management: Building Specific Biosignatures via Machine Learning, Journal of Clinical Medicine 11 (4), 1045, 2022 (html file)
T KatsaounisY Pantazis, E Kalligiannaki, Y Kamarianakis, K Kotsovos, I Gereige, M Abdullah, A Jamal, A Tzavaras, Efficiency evaluation and comparisons of solar cell technologies based on measurements from the Arabian peninsula, EuroSun2022: ISES and IEA SHC International Conference on Solar Energy for Buildings and Industry, 2022 (html file)
I Kominis, M Loulakis, Quantum biometric identification of ultrahigh security based on the quantum statistics of photodetection by the human retina, US Patent 11,275,937, 2022 (html file)
I Kominis, M Loulakis, Quantum advantage in biometric authentication with single photons, Journal of Applied Physics 131 (8) 2022 (html file)
I Kominis, M Loulakis, ÖE Müstecaplıoglu, Quantum biometrics, Recent Advances in Biometrics 131, 2022 (html file)
L Lastilla, S Ammirati, D Firmani, N Komodakis, P Merialdo, S Scardapane, Self-supervised learning for medieval handwriting identification: A case study from the Vatican Apostolic Library, Information Processing & Management 59 (3), 102875, 2022 (html file)
I Marinescu, S Triantafillou, K Kording, Regression discontinuity threshold optimization, Plos one 17 (11), e0276755, 2022 (html file)
M Markaki, I Tsamardinos, A Langhammer, V Lagani, K Hveem, OD Roe, A validated clinical risk prediction model for lung cancer in smokers of all ages and exposure types: A HUNT study (vol 31, pg 36, 2018) EBIOMEDICINE 82, 2022 (html file)
M Markaki, I Tsamardinos, A Langhammer, V Lagani, K Hveem, OD Røe, Corrigendum to “A validated clinical risk prediction model for lung cancer in smokers of all ages and exposure types: A HUNT study”[EBioMedicine 31 (2018) 36–46], EBioMedicine 82, 2022 (html file)
JL Marshall, BN Peshkin, T Yoshino, J Vowinckel,
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H Juhl, The essentials of multiomics, The oncologist 27 (4), 272-284, 2022 (html file)
OTD Nguyen, I Fotopoulos, TH Nøst, M Markaki, V Lagani, I Tsamardinos, OD Røe, MA11. 04 Genetic Variants of HUNT Lung Cancer Model Improve Lung Cancer Risk Assessment Over Clinical Models, Journal of Thoracic Oncology 17 (9), S81, 2022 (html file)
Y Pantazis, E Kalligiannaki, Y Kamarianakis, K Kotsovos, I Gereige, M Abdullah, A Jamal, A Tzavaras, T Katsaounis, Efficiency Evaluation and Comparisons of Solar Cell Technologies Based on Measurements from the Arabian Peninsula, 2022 (pdf file)
Y Pantazis, D Paul, M Fasoulakis, Y Stylianou, MA Katsoulakis, Cumulant GAN, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2022 (html file)
V Plakandaras, P Gogas, T Papadimitriou, I Tsamardinos, Credit card fraud detection with automated machine learning systems, Applied Artificial Intelligence 36 (1), 2086354, 2022 (html file)
OD Roe, I Fotopoulos, OTD Nguyen, TH Nost, M Markaki, V Lagani, R Mjelle, TM Sandanger, P Saetrom, I Tsamardinos, Common MicroRNAs in Pre-diagnostic Serum Associated with Lung Cancer in Two Cohorts up to Eight Years Before Diagnosis: A HUNT Study, 2022 (html file)
OD Røe, I Fotopoulos, OTD Nguyen, TH Nøst, M Markaki, V Lagani, R Mjelle, TM Sandanger, P Sætrom, I Tsamardinos, EP01. 01-009 Common MicroRNAs in Pre-diagnostic Serum Associated with Lung Cancer in Two Cohorts up to Eight Years Before Diagnosis: A HUNT Study, Journal of Thoracic Oncology 17 (9), S164, 2022 (html file)
GV Thomaidis, S Michos, K Papadimitriou, E Chartampilas, I Tsamardinos, Identifying Bipolar patients from controls, using post-mortem cerebellum gene expression data and fully Automated Machine Learning, medRxiv, 2022.01. 22.22269384, 2022 (pdf file)
I Tsamardinos, Don’t lose samples to estimation, Patterns 3 (12) 2022 (html file)
I Tsamardinos, P Charonyktakis, G Papoutsoglou,
G Borboudakis, K Lakiotaki, JC Zenklusen, H
Juhl, E Chatzaki, V Lagani, Just Add Data: automated predictive modeling for knowledge discovery and feature selection, NPJ precision oncology 6 (1), 38, 2022 (html file)
A Tsourtis, G Papoutsoglou, Y Pantazis, GAN-Based Training of Semi-Interpretable Generators for Biological Data Interpolation and Augmentation, Applied Sciences 12 (11), 5434, 2022 (html file)
A. Tzavaras Y. Kamarianakis, Y. Pantazis, E. Kalligiannaki, K. Kotsovos, I. Gereige, M. Abdullah, Day-Ahead Forecasting of Solar Irradiance: KNN-Based Ensembles, 8th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, 2022 (pdf file)
A. Tzavaras Y. Pantazis, E. Kalligiannaki, Y. Kamarianakis, K. Kotsovos, I. Gereige, M. Abdullah, Performance Evaluation and Comparison of Solar Cell Technologies Based on Historical Data, 39th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (EUPVSEC2022) 2022 (html file)