Dr. Kathy Kikis-Papadakis has extensive experience in RTD management at various educational levels. Received her PhD in Educational Planning and Evaluation. Since then she has lead the section of bilateral cooperation at the Hellenic Ministry of Research and Technology and taught at the Department of Philosophical and Social Science at the University of Crete. Since 1993, she is leading the SERI Group at FORTH/IACM.
All of her research work is supported from competitive grants (National and Community levels) and is mainly oriented towards educational policy and evaluation, with particular attention to the gender dimension in science education and organizational change and public engagement and science communication.
She has collaborated both in research activity and publications with OECD’s/CERI and EC’s CRELL and has coordinated over 20 European projects. She has organized knowledge sharing events pertaining to gender and STEM and actively contributes to the dialogue on LLL. She also takes active role in FORTH’s Foresight Initiative.
Other areas of specialization include systemic evaluation, profiling of learning and research design on issues of ICT integration into the learning process and the impact of such integration.
Recently she served as one of the four evaluators of the European Institute of Technology (EIT) on the impact of the educational pillar of the programmes supported by EIT.