Dimitrios Sfyris

Dimitrios Sfyris

I am working as a Principal Researcher (Grade B) focusing primarily in the broad field of continuum mechanics. I have done research in dislocation/plasticity problems, graphene/thin films, nonlinear elasticity and elastoplasticity as well as constitutive modeling for a large class of novel materials. I use a broad spectrum of techniques from applied mathematics including group theory, partial differential equations, integral equations, integrodifferential equations and differential geometry.
100, N. Plastira str 70013, Vassilika Vouton Heraklion, Crete, Greece Bulding B ETEP, office 320
• Sfyris, D., One dimensional nonlocal elastodynamics: constitutive modeling, hyperbolicity, Riemann invariants, characteristic directions, ZAMP, accepted.
• Yavari, A., Sfyris, D., Universal Displacements in Anisotropic Linear Cauchy Elasticity. J. Elasticity, in press.
• Sfyris, D., Sfyris, G.I., Elastodynamics of multilattices: field equations of the linear theory as a first order system. J. Elasticity, 156 (2024) 813-835.
• Sfyris, D., R. Bustamante, K.R. Rajagopal, On the hyperbolicity of the governing equations for the linearization of a class of implicit constitutive relations. Mech. Res. Commun., 138 (2024) 104291.
• Sfyris, D., Classical elastodynamics as a linear symmetric hyperbolic system in terms of (u_x, u_t). J. Elasticity 156 (2024) 525-548.
• Sfyris, D., Sfyris,G.I., Linear elastic diatomic multilattices: Three-dimensional constitutive modeling and solutions of the shift vector equation, Math. Mech. Sol., 29 (2024) 1413-1431.
• Sfyris, D., Sfyris,G.I. Linear theory of 2 and 3-monoatomic multilattices: solutions of the shift vector equation. Cont. Mech. Thermod., 35 (2023) 1927–1942.
• Sfyris, D., Sfyris, G.I. Constitutive modeling of three-dimensional monoatomic linear elastic multilattices, Math. Mech. Sol. 28 (2023) 973-988.
• Sfyris, D., Sfyris, G.I., Breakdown of smooth solutions in one dimensional nonlinear nonlocal elasticity, Mech. Res. Commun. 129 (2023) 104092.
• Sfyris, D., Sfyris, G.I. Conditions for hyperbolicity and approximate Riemann invariants in one dimensional nonlinear nonlocal elasticity. Mech. Res. Commun. 126 (2022) 104017.
• Manolis, G.D., Dineva, P.S., Rangelov, T., Sfyris, D., Mechanical models and numerical simulations in nanomechanics: A review across the scales. Engng. Anal. Bound. Elem. 128 (2021) 149-170.
• Sfyris, D., Sfyris, G.I., Galiotis,C., Curvature dependent surface energy for free standing monolayer graphene: some closed form solutions of the nonlinear theory. Intern. J. Nonl. Mech. 67, 186-197 (2014).
• Sfyris, D.,Charalambakis, N., Kalpakides, V.K., Continuously dislocated elastic bodies with a neo Hookean like expression for the energy subjected to anti-plane shear. J. Elast. 93, 245-262 (2008).
Nonlinear Continuum Mechanics • Nonlinear Elasticity • Nonlinear Continuum Theory of Dislocations • Nonlinear Elastoplasticity • Material Mechanics • Applied Mathematics • Graphene • Thin Films • Electro-magneto-elasticity