1) (with N.J. Walkington), “Discontinuous Galerkin approximations for the Stokes and Navier-Stokes equations”, Math. Comp., (79) No 272, 2010, pp 2135-2167.
2) (with E. Casas), “A discontinuous Galerkin time-stepping scheme for the velocity tracking problem”, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., (50) No 5, 2012, pp 2801-2306.
3) (with E. Karatzas), “Discontinuous Galerkin time-stepping schemes for Robin boundary control problems constrained to parabolic pdes”, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., (52) No1, 2014, pp 2837-2862.
4) (with E. Casas), “Analysis of the velocity tracking control problem for the 3D evolutionary Navier-Stokes equations”, SIAM J. Con. Optim. (54) 2016, pp 99-128.
5) “Stability analysis and best approximation error estimates of discontinuous time stepping schemes for the Allen-Cahn equation”, ESAIM: M2AN, (53) 2019, pp 551-583.
6) (with E. Casas), “Numerical analysis of quasilinear parabolic equations under low regularity assumptions”, Numer. Math., to apper (2019).